{Christmas presents that are both enjoyable and sustainable.|Christmas presents that are both enjoyable to receive and sustainable.|Christmas presents that are both tasty and enjoyable to receive.}
{For many people, Christmas mornings filled with gifts and stockings peeking over the mantel are an iconic part of the holiday season. This is true for everyone, not just children.|For many people, Christmas mornings filled with gifts and stockings peeking over the mantel are an iconic part of the holiday season. This is true whether they are children, fantasy, or both.|For many people, Christmas mornings filled with gifts and stockings peeking over the mantel are an iconic part of the holiday season. This is true for everyone, not just kids.} {The truth is that those gifts can produce an absurd amount of waste, even if you ’ are all about the joy of giving ( or receiving ).|The truth is that those gifts can produce an absurd amount of waste, even if you and# x2019 are all about the joy of giving ( or receiving ).|The truth is that those gifts can produce an absurd amount of waste, even if you and#x2019 are all about the joy of giving ( or receiving ).} {Fast Company therefore gathered some of our favorite plastic-free gift suggestions in an effort to do a little bit to lessen the environmental impact of the season.|Therefore, Fast Company gathered some of our favorite plastic-free gift suggestions in an effort to do a little bit to lessen the environmental impact of the season.|Fast Company therefore gathered some of our favorite plastic-free gift suggestions in an effort to help lessen the environmental impact of the season.} {Perfect to pop under the tree, put on a stocking, or give yourself as presents to get you through the holidays.|Perfect to pop under the tree, put on a stocking, or give yourself as Christmas present to get you through the holidays.|Perfect to pop under the tree, put on a stocking, or give yourself as an after-holiday present.}
{Read the entire account.|Read the entire narrative.|Read the entire tale.}