A world map displaying interconnected lines between various continents, symbolizing global connectivity. The term "5G" is centrally featured, emphasizing the focus on 5G technology and secure collaboration through VPN. Caption reads: "Project Agility – Collaborating internationally on federated 5G testbeds with a cloud federation architecture.

International Collaborators at NIST are hosted by the Transformational Networks and Services Group.

Credit: CTL

An international team of government and industry collaborators from South Korea and Germany was hosted by NIST’s Robert Bohn and colleagues in the Transformational Networks and Services ( TNS ) group on November 16, 2023, to discuss the most recent developments with Project Agility. A multi-national research initiative called Project Agility focuses on the networks and service federation of 5G testbeds. Dr. Taesang Choi of ETRI ( Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute ) was one of the meeting’s additional attendees, along with Drs. Abdella Battou, Smart Connected Systems Division Chief, Dr, Bin Hu ( TNS ). Drs. Ranganai Chaparadza of CapGemini, Dr. Sejun Song of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, and Moon Park of Mobigen.

The meeting’s main goals were to talk about the testbed collaboration directions, the expansion of collaboration with KT Corporation ( previously Korea Telecom ), the further development and integration of particular decision-making components into the framework, and additional brainstorming on potential future collaborations. Following the meeting, the group and NIST’s Rick Candell took a tour of the 5G Wireless Industrial Testbed. The testbed setup piqued the group’s interest, and they gained knowledge of additional NIST resources and capabilities.

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