An image featuring a SentinelOne logo. The text reads: "From Underground Commodity to Open Source Threat: Kryptina RaaS Linux/Cloud. By Jim Walter." A green tag at the top right says "From the Front Lines: DOD Insights." Background shows a close-up of keyboard keys and a keyhole.

Kryptina RaaS: Threat from Open Source to Underground Commodity

The creation and spread of the ransomware-as-and-service model, a method of giving cybercriminals simple, affordable tools with which to carry out and manage ransomeware campaigns, has been one of major factors in the explosion in runsom malware attacks over the past five years and beyond. Developers avoid directly engaging in criminal activity while still receiving a steady stream of income from subscription sales. This model has taken on a new twist thanks to the recently discovered Kryptina Raas, an openly accessible tool rather than being available for purchase.

In this article, we examine Kryptina RaaS’s evolution, technicalities, and effects as well as its transition to open-source crimeware. In order to defend against the most recent Linux ransomware and the risks that open source threats pose to organizations, we delve into what defenders must be aware of.

Kryptina RaaS’s Growth

The Kryptina RaaS, a lightweight, quick, and highly customizable ransomware solution for Linux systems, first appeared on underground forums in December 2023. It was written in C and made a compelling case for cybercriminals looking to target the cloud workloads and Linux servers that make up the networks of many organizations.

At first, there were only two ways to buy: a$ 20 standalone build ( encryptor and decrypter ), or if you wanted$ 500, you could buy the entire package, including the source code, builder, and documentation. In January, the developer added new features right away, including support for Monero (XMR ) and Bitcoin ( BTC ) payments, an updated web interface, and 32 and 64-bit targets. With the addition of these new features, the total package cost increased to$ 800. The creator’s intention to serve a variety of actors in the cybercriminal ecosystem was clear from this pricing strategy.

The creator,” Corlys,” published the entire source code on BreachForums in February, effectively removing any financial barriers to entry.

The source code for Kryptina was made public by the developer for apparent reasons, including the fact that it was unsuccessful in luring customers. Some people might not find this credible given the short time between the open source code’s release and its initial appearance as a paid offering. Other reasons might include a desire to gain respect from the cybercrime community, rivalries with other criminals, or the worry that law enforcement will take notice.

BreachForums posting of the Kryptina 2. 2 source code
BreachForums posting of the Kryptina 2. 2 source code

Whatever the motivation, the widespread distribution and impact of ransomware attacks on Linux systems could be significantly impacted by the release of the RaaS source code, which includes extensive documentation. It will probably make the ransomware builder more appealing and usable, which will attract more low-skilled users to the cybercrime ecosystem. Additionally, there is a sizable chance that it will result in the creation of numerous spin-offs and an increase in attacks, as was previously seen following the source code leak for Babuk ransomware.

Technical Information About Kryptina Payload

Kryptina, as previously mentioned, is a Linux-only ransomware that provides payloads for the elf64- and 32-architecture architectures. The directories and files specified in the builder during the configuration stage are the targets of the ransomware when it is executed.

The encryption process uses multiple parallel threads and depends on OpenSSL’s libcrypto library. It uses the AES256 algorithm in CVC mode. The keys and configuration data are obfuscated via XOR using a custom value defined at build time, and then base64 encoded.

File encryption is handled by the krptna_process_file() function. This initializes an OpenSSL cipher context EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new() before processing file streams via EVP_CipherUpdate() to transform unencrypted file data to the encrypted data in the output buffer. EVP_CipherFinal finalizes the processes and handles any required CBC padding.

Payloads can be configured to securely delete files before encryption, further hampering any data recovery efforts. When enabled, multiple steps are taken to overwrite individual file data and inhibit recovery. The secure_delete_file() function determines the file size using the stat function. It then creates a buffer filled with random bytes. The file to be encrypted is then opened in write mode, and the buffer of random bytes is written into the file, completely overwriting its original content, until it matches the file’s original size. Once this is achieved, the file is permanently removed using the unlink function.

In Kryptina,
In Kryptina,” Secure deletion”

The secure_delete_file() function utilizes a single-pass method, overwriting each byte of the file just once, avoiding using multiple overwrites with varying patterns seen in other ransomware. A single pass is generally adequate for rendering the original data unrecoverable and increases the speed of encryption.

Builder and Kryptina Web Interface

Kryptina’s architecture is built on a foundation of Python scripts for the payload builder and web server components, requiring dependencies like pycrypto, termcolor, flask, and others for full functionality. The tool’s source code is well-documented, reflecting an intent to provide Kryptina as a turnkey solution.

As previously mentioned, Kryptina has undergone a number of quick revisions since its release, with version 2.0 introducing important improvements, such as an interface. The Flask-powered web server makes it simple for users to view and manage campaigns, create encryption and decryptors, and communicate with victims using the” Chast” option. Victims can contact the attacker by following the instructions in the ransom note if the operator sets up” Enable Public View” for the campaign.

The” Dashboard” within the user interface offers a quick overview of attack campaigns.

For specifying target names, descriptions, encryption keys, directories or files to target, and more, the builder supports a wide variety of command-line arguments. The versatility and granular control Kryptina provides to users are emphasized by this level of customization.

The following command-line parameters are supported by the builder, which can also be scripted with Python.

Arg Description
-n Your target’s name
-a About, a brief explanation of your objective
-k Use a base64-encoded 256-bit key ( default: random )
-t Target directories or files ( comma-separated )
-i To ignore files or extensions ( comma-separated )
-e Use a custom extension ( default :.krptna )
-j Maximum number of jobs ( threads ) allowed ( default: 20 )
–arch32 Make a 32-bit binary ( x86 ) file.
–xor_key Using the XOR key ( default: 155 ) to encode encrypted configuration data
–note the local file with the default note/template encryption notice text. ( txt )
–note_name The target’s absolute/relative filename for the encryption notice
–nonote Avoid leaving an encryption note on the target.
–bitcoin Address for receiving payments in a bitcoin wallet
–monero Address for receiving payments in a Monero wallet
–amount The USD amount to request ( default: 100.0)
–deadline The payment due date in hours ( default: 72.2 )
–tox the Tox chat ID you’d like to be contacted with
–session the chat ID for the session you want to be contacted.
–debug Debug output is enabled.
–demo Make a demo payload that does n’t actually encrypt/decrypt files.
–symbols Debug symbols (-ggdb3 ) are used to build binary.
–nolog Payload configuration should not be recorded in the output or directory.
–persist Disable self-detect payload
–secdel When encrypting files, enable secure delete, which is very slow but makes recovery much more difficult.
–maxsize Maximum file size ( in megabytes ) for the target ( default: unrestricted )
–recommend Auto-set suggested values for parameters that are not specified.
–static Create static binaries for the payloads.
–verbose Commands and output of the print compiler

Kryptina ransomware is protected by SentinelOne.

Kryptina ransomware is detected by SentinelOne Singularity, which also safeguards Linux systems. Kryptina’s malicious actions and indicators can be seen in the Management console when she is permitted to run in” Detect Only” mode for observational purposes.

Kryptina ransomware is protected by SentinelOne.
Kryptina ransomware is protected by SentinelOne.

Identifying the Kryptina Threat to Linux Systems

The complexity of threats facing network defenders is demonstrated by Kryptina RaaS’s transformation from a paid underground tool to an open-source project that is freely available. It’s likely that a variety of Kryptina variants will proliferate similarly to how we saw Babuk variations multiply and diversify as other actors iterate on the provided code, which offers everything from customizable ransomware payloads to campaign management and victim communication.

The appeal of Linux as a target for cybercriminals increases as the transition to cloud and cloud workloads and containers accelerates. Modern enterprise environments depend on Linux systems, which power everything from edge devices to servers, orchestration technologies like Kubernetes, and cloud infrastructure like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Securing these systems is crucial.

Contact us or ask for a free demo to find out how SentinelOne can assist in defending your company’s Linux systems against ransomware and other threats.

Compromise Indicators

the original files


Sample Payloads



Defense EvasionT1014&nbsp
T1059.006  Command and Scripting Interpreter: Python
T1068  Privilege Escalation
T1070.003  Indicator Removal: Clear Command History
T1070.004  Indicator Removal: File Deletion
T1070.002  Indicator Removal: Clear Linux or Mac System Logs
T1140  Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information
T1222.002  File and Directory Permissions Modification: Linux and Mac File and Directory Permissions Modification
T1485  Data Destruction
T1486  Data Encrypted for Impact
T1562.001  Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools
T1562.012  Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Linux Audit System
T1573.002  Encrypted Channel: Asymmetric Cryptography

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