A figure in a dark hoodie, face obscured, types on a keyboard with floating numbers and symbols. The background shows a cityscape with buildings and a digital overlay, hinting at potential cyber threats. The image has a blue and yellow color scheme, resembling the Ukrainian flag.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense servers were allegedly hacked, according to Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense’s Main Intelligence Directorate ( GUR), it allegedly stole sensitive documents from the Russian Ministry of Defense’s ( Minoborony ) servers.

The attack is described as a” special operation” carried out by GUR’s cyber-skills, according to a press release released today on an official Ukrainian government domain.

The GUR claims that as a result of the breach, secret service documents were obtained, including:

  • The Russian Ministry of Defense employs software for data encryption and protection.
  • More than 2000 ministry structural units distributed a large number of secret service documents, including orders, reports, directives, and other documents.
  • information that allows the Minoborony’s system’s complete structure and its connections to be established.
  • Information that helped identify minoborony senior leaders, deputies, assistants, and specialists who used “bureaucracy” software for electronic document management.
  • Ivanov, Timur Vadimovich, the deputy minister of defense in Russia, has access to these documents.

Any actual details about the operation are left out, despite the press release‘s claim that the specific minister, &nbsp, Vadimovich, &nbsp, had a significant role in the success of the cyberattack.

As proof of the alleged breach, four screenshots of database query results, log files, and official document documentation have been posted.

BleepingComputer has reached out to the Russian Ministry of Defense to request a statement, but it was not immediately available for comment.

Unconfirmed breaches of the Russian Center for Space Hydrometeorology, also known as “planeta,” the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency,” Rosaviatsia,” and the Russian Federal Taxation Service ( FNS ) have previously been reported by the GUR.

According to two of these attacks, data backups and database destruction were intended to disrupt operations. No such allegations have been made by the GUR in the most recent case against Moniborony.

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