A glowing VPN symbol is at the center of the image, surrounded by icons representing security, settings, user, and network. The background is a dark blue digital interface with matrix-like grid lines, suggesting tech and cybersecurity concepts in defense against potential threats.

Types and advantages of web filtering

How does web filtering work?

Software, device settings, or other methods that can restrict access to particular web pages or domains are referred to as web filtering. In organizations that must limit internet access for productivity or security reasons, web filters are most frequently used. Internet service providers who collaborate with parents or schools also use them to prevent kids from accessing mature or harmful content.

Firewalls are not web filters. Web filters look more closely at websites, web pages, and domains than firewalls, which typically operate on a network level by consulting block lists. Users are protected by both, but in different ways. A web filter will actively identify and respond to queries in real time, whereas firewalls typically allow all traffic unless otherwise specified.

From browser-based filters to the network itself, web filters can limit access to web content at a number of locations. Internet users can filter the content they want to see using search engine filters on some websites (typically search engines ). This procedure is n’t as streamlined as dedicated web filtering software or other comparable solutions, though.

advantages of web filtering

Administrators ‘ control over the web traffic that network users expose their system to is the main advantage of web filtering. They can use preemptive measures like restricting access to well-known websites with harmful, offensive, and distracting content with web filtering.

These advantages of using web filtering are n’t the only ones, though. Organizations and administrators should take into account a lot more use cases that make web filtering crucial to their online security.

defending users against phishing attacks and malicious websites

Better web security is made possible by web filtering software, which frequently builds on a database of well-known blocked websites and IP addresses. These lists contain a real-time, up-to-date list of websites that have been found to spread malware, take over users ‘ computers, or otherwise seriously harm both users and the network once they’ve connected.

When a user accesses content from their site or domain, these websites typically only use one method of entry. To reduce the risk to users or any sensitive data their device may have access to, a web filter automatically blocks content before they even have the chance to interact with the domain.

establishing acceptable use guidelines for businesses

Some businesses handle sizable amounts of private, financial, and personal data, making them appealing targets for hackers and other cyberattackers. Acceptable use policies ( AUPs ), which are security measures that reduce the possibility of a data breach or other cyberattacks, are frequently used by organizations to combat this.

Because they are a built-in security measure that can be easily incorporated into the technology that an organization uses, web filtering software frequently plays an important role in these AUPs. Organizations can improve employee adherence to security protocols without sacrificing productivity by altering or changing their filtering service.

restricting access to offensive material

Schools and parents who need to track web traffic, typically to block websites with adult content, frequently use web filtering software. Children can be protected while also enjoying a safer online experience by carefully filtering malicious URLs to stop them from accessing inappropriate websites without the server administrator’s active involvement.

By preventing distracting websites or informing administrators of the overall volume of web traffic on campus property, web filters can be used in schools to assist students in studying. Higher-level administrative decisions that consider what students do online may result from this.

fostering focus and productivity

Most corporate workplaces also heavily rely on web filters to keep staff members from lazily visiting websites that obstruct their work or divert their attention. To keep up with the constantly evolving list of hazards, distractions, and other dangerous online spaces that employees may unintentionally or intentionally visit, this kind of web filtering service is frequently very thorough and regularly maintained.

Administrators can alert staff to websites that can increase their productivity by using a web filter. This can be helpful in a number of ways, including training staff members to use particular websites and/or online platforms for work and enforcing appropriate online browsing habits at work.

Web filtering’s drawbacks

Even though web filters are generally beneficial, there are some disadvantages to using them if businesses do n’t incorporate them into their processes or let their staff know about them. Using web filters can lead to a number of worries or complications, including:

blocking legitimate websites incorrectly

Web filters can restrict or block access to important information-rich websites or domains if they are not properly configured. Even when keywords are intended in appropriate contexts, they can occasionally be flagged incorrectly due to the various ways that users use language.

Users may become frustrated as a result of incorrectly blocked websites depriving them of the information they require. This may unintentionally encourage actions like trying to completely avoid the web filter or reducing productivity while working or studying.

requires third-party trust

Prior to choosing a provider, most businesses using web filter services must conduct research, primarily out of concern for data privacy and potential third-party access to their web traffic and other pertinent data. Companies may have trouble long-term implementing web filtering services into their IT infrastructure if they do n’t have faith in a provider.

Using a web filter service also necessitates faith in the provider’s ability to ensure that the filters are functioning properly. They run the risk of incorrectly blocking legitimate websites or allowing users to access or be exposed to malicious sites or content if they do n’t update their filter definitions.

reduced online user experience

Web filters can have a big impact on how easy it is for users to access websites if they are n’t properly integrated. Their overall performance at work or school may be impacted as a result of their dissatisfaction with the service.

Employees will also have trouble adjusting to any limitations a web filter may have on their working conditions if there is no proper integration or onboarding. Giving users the time and instruction they need to comprehend how their web filters will impact how they spend their time online is essential for businesses.

various web filtering solutions

A web filter’s operation is fairly simple. The process is as follows:

  1. A user asks for website access.
  2. In accordance with its index of permitted content, the web filter examines a particular page, domain, or website.
  3. The user is given access if no violations are discovered. The website is blocked and the connection is broken if a flag is raised.

The fact that web filtering solutions are incredibly flexible in terms of deployment and filter criteria is a useful feature. As a result, administrators have more freedom to choose and use the software or service that best suits their needs for web filters.

The following web filtering solutions are available:

filtering based on keywords

Some of the most straightforward web filters that businesses can use are keyword-based filters. When used, the filter will look for particular keywords on its blocklist and automatically scan the requested website or web page. Access is blocked if any of these terms or keywords are found.

Keyword-based filtering has one of the highest error probabilities despite being robust. Since the way that humans use keywords can be interpreted by the accessing user, keyword filters are much more likely to flag legitimate content as malicious. For better security, keyword-based filtering is frequently combined with other kinds of web filters.

preventing URLs

preventing URLs is a straightforward filter where access to specific websites and their associated web pages is blocked based on HTTP/HTTPS traffic. These filters are often applied to a network for ease of deployment, especially with a network that sees plenty of users with high amounts of traffic.

preventing URLs works particularly well for blocking adult websites since many of them are required to disclose their online identifiers to stay compliant with security regulations. While it’s an approach that requires constant upkeep and maintenance (since websites may sometimes need to be entered manually by administrators or block lists must always be updated), preventing URLs is generally an effective way to block offensive or adult content.

filtering based on content

filtering based on content will block access to any websites that fall under a certain category. These include social media sites in the workplace or websites that have been tagged with violence.

Unlike preventing URLs where specific URLs are compiled into a list that’s consulted every time a user requests access, content-based filtering is a more general approach to blocking specific types of websites altogether.

filtering DNS

filtering DNS is similar to preventing URLs where it consults a block list of restricted content. However, DNS filters work on entire domains, not just specific websites or web pages. It specifically scans for the servers (and the associated IP addresses) that a website is connected to and allows or blocks connections from there.

Administrators who only want to block one web page on a website will find this type of block to be less useful because it will apply to all websites and web pages connected to that domain. A proactive security policy can, however, help reduce the possibility of malware attacks and other harm to a network’s users.

How to pick the ideal web filtering program

If content filters are included in a browser’s settings, they are simple to remove. Users wo n’t be able to remove filters on their own, though, if they are network-based. Administrators must therefore put in place the best web filter solution possible while still ensuring that no one on their network is harmed. When thinking about a web filter solution, they should be on the lookout for three specific concerns:

    Compatibility: Does the web filter service support a variety of connections, devices, and traffic?

  • Flexibility: The service’s ability to block websites gives users more control.
  • Convenience: The amount of time, money, and labor they’ll need to maintain the filters ‘ effectiveness.

A cloud-based web filtering solution is the best setup for the majority of administrators because it eliminates the need for on-premise hardware and supervision. Many third-party web filter service providers frequently offer comprehensive packages that meet all the requirements for a website filter solution while also being adaptable to the needs of the company.

To keep online communications within their organization private and risk-free, administrators can also consider other tactics like VPNs. These additional security protocols are best practices to incorporate into any security strategy, even though they are less effective at shielding users from malicious websites.

For a safer and more secure browsing experience, web filtering

Threat Protection from NordVPN offers web filtering in addition to many other features, making it a useful tool for enhancing online user security. It can help protect users who might not be the most knowledgeable about lowering their risk of visiting harmful websites in addition to addressing important issues like data privacy.

Any organization and its administrators can improve web security with little oversight if they have a strong web filter. The key to ensuring that every connection made online—from any device, regardless of the user—is secure for everyone is consistent use and regular updates for web filters.

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